Déjà Vu

Here I am again, finding myself blogging. Strangely enough I’m excited instead of nervous this time. I thoroughly enjoyed studying ACCT11059, so I’m pretty excited about ACCT11081. PeerWise was great last time, and I’m really looking forward to getting a head start on that. Good luck everyone, and don’t forget to give it Audit You Got!

A New Journey

Hi Everyone,

My name is Melissa, and I’m embarking on a new journey. I’ve started university, and to say the least it’s a bit daunting.

I’ve been asked to start a blog, and for me, that’s going to really challenge my abilities. You see, I’ve never really been a writing kind of a person. Give me a maths question or abstract riddle any day, and I’ll give most people a run for their money. If it’s related to maths, I love it. But to be a little more creative, now that’s a challenge.

But here I am, none the less, preparing to run a marathon, and I’m sure there will be lots of hurdles, so perhaps I should be calling it a hurdle marathon. Whatever happens, I’m going to give it Audit I Got!